Are your devs doing QA testing? Testaify can do it for you, with the help of AI

By Riley Kaminer

Rafael Santos has spent a lot of time thinking about software development – a couple of decades, in fact, including as a senior technical executive at Ultimate Software, Rocket Matter, and more.

In all that time, one major issue just wouldn’t go away: quality assurance. The problem stems from the simple fact that high-quality, expensive testing is hard, time-consuming, and expensive.

That is, until now. Santos has just founded Testaify, an AI-powered testing platform that helps software development organizations find and fix defects faster and with less effort. 

To make this dream a reality, Testaify earlier this month closed a $650,000 pre-seed fundraise from 17 investors, including a mix of private companies and individual angels. Santos told Refresh Miami that this funding will go towards a few major goals.

Firstly: “It will help us accelerate our product development,” he said, noting that some of the investors are partners working side-by-side with the Testaify team to launch their alpha product. The fundraise will also enable the company to set up its business operations. And finally, the pre-seed will enable Testaify to kick-start its product-led-growth flywheel by hiring the marketing and sales team necessary to make it happen.

Testaify will work with any business or individual who has a web-based solution. “This will be very useful for companies that are using their developers to test their app,” said Santos. “This is common because not every organization has enough funding to have testers on staff. So if you’re using your developers to go back and look and test and fix and test again, you’re missing out on all of that time to create new products and new features.”

Santos explained that Testaify aims to make the user journey as straightforward as possible. Once the user signs up, they can register their app. Then Testaify determines what kind of a product it is and immediately begins to generate tests. Shortly thereafter, Testaify shares what it found and suggests areas of improvement. “We will focus on functional testing, usability, performance, and security,” among others, Santos noted. These are often the trickiest aspects to test, but also the highest value for companies.

“Expectations of quality have changed considerably over the last 20 years,” said Santos. The problem is that testing really hasn’t. 

“When your product quality is bad, your customers vote with their feet and go to your competition. We want to solve that by helping companies test better, test smarter, and test in the right way to get better results. That way, they can be faster in their development cycle, have more releases, have more products to sell, and then have a stickier product with their customer base.”

The nature of Testaify’s artificial intelligence means that the tool will get more effective as its clients use it more and more, becoming increasingly familiar with the products it is testing. Testaify is also leveraging Large Language Model (LLM) tools to improve the quality and accuracy of customer interactions. 

So far, the Testaify team is two people strong. But with the funds in tow, Santos expects this number to ramp up to 9 in the coming months – the majority of whom will be in South Florida.

“We have the opportunity to become a significant player capable of creating an inflection point in the way people do software testing,” asserted Santos. “That is why I’m super excited. The opportunity will be challenging but extremely interesting. It’s fantastic.”


Riley Kaminer