Creating a product-led culture

Software companies like Slack, Dropbox, and HubSpot have made billions selling to customers who have never once spoken with a sales rep. Their secret? Product-led growth. In our next BLT […]

CTO Stories: Going Public

For countless organisations, an IPO is nothing more than an elusive dream — but you may be closer than you think. So what does it take to get there? Is […]

Intro Day: Web Development

Sat August 7, 2021 10:00am to 4:00pm EDT BrainStation Miami Campus at 2650 NW 5 Ave, Miami FL $25.00 BrainStation’s Intro Day is an immersive, one-day learning experience, designed to […]

Kickstart Your Career in Data

BrainStation’s ‘Kickstart Your Career in Data’ event is focused on exploring what it takes to start your career as a Data Scientist, Data Analyst, or Research Scientist. This hour-long event […]

Kickstart Your Career in Development

BrainStation’s ‘Kickstart Your Career in Development’ series is focused on exploring what it takes to start your career as a Front-end Developer, Back-end Developer, or Full Stack Developer. This hour-long […]

Kickstart Your Career in Design

BrainStation’s ‘Kickstart Your Career in Design’ series is focused on exploring what it takes to start your career as a UX Designer, UI Designer, or Product Designer. Each hour-long event […]

LBX Immersive x Varjo Orlando, FL Demo

LBX Immersive is partnering with Varjo to showcase and demo the new Varjo XR-3 at the Orlando Game Space (Sept. 9 – Sept. 10, 2021). The Varjo XR-3 has the capability to effortlessly switch between XR, AR, and VR. In the demo, you will experience various features, including human eye-resolution visual fidelity (70 pixels per […]


LBX Immersive x Varjo Orlando, FL Demo

LBX Immersive is partnering with Varjo to showcase and demo the new Varjo XR-3 at the Orlando Game Space (Sept. 9 – Sept. 10, 2021). The Varjo XR-3 has the capability to effortlessly switch between XR, AR, and VR. In the demo, you will experience various features, including human eye-resolution visual fidelity (70 pixels per […]


Innovate with Synthetic data

Building machine learning models requires access to incredibly vast amounts of diverse data — but where can you find that many datasets without running into privacy issues and algorithmic bias? Synthetic data is the answer. In our next BLT session, our guest speaker, data science expert Armando Vieira, will uncover why synthetic data is key […]